NDRNCE presents
Be our witness
Directed by Gina Tay Limpus
Performed by Ben Adams, Nicole Amaya, Gabe Francis, Heidi Harrison, Rose Nguyen and Lauren Story
Sound by Pavle Banovic
Lighting by Steven May
Presented by CUPO + Anywhere Festival in May 2019
Presented by Backbone Youth Arts in December 2019
Recipient of Anywhere Festival Honourable Mention 2019
We’re ready to grow up. Right here, right now. And we need a witness.
You’ve been invited to a ceremony. Tonight, in this room, there will be a transformation by ritual. Six, to be exact. By the end of this hour, we will not be children anymore.
Directed by Gina Tay Limpus, Be Our Witness is a collaboration between theatre, poetry and dance, set to a score of original music and spiked with flavours of limbo and fear of stagnation.
We need you to witness our everyday and forgotten rituals, our rites of passage and our willingness to endure. In a room thick with anticipation, you have two roles. The first is to watch. The second is to listen and learn; soon, your time for transformation will come.
“Anywhere Festival allows you to break conventions. Because you and your audience aren’t in a traditional theatre, we all know that anything could go. The line between reality and fiction is blurred and for me, no other show managed this balancing act to such a degree that people in the audience were unsure when they should leave and if they should clap.”
(Paul Osuch, Anywhere Festival 2019)
“I cherished the moments in which the performers embraced the audience and allowed them to bathe in their narrative. It created this almost magical transaction that was constantly happening throughout the performance.”
(Virag Dombay, Broadway World 2019)
“[NDRNCE’s] attention to detail, values in theatre-making and performance rhythm are just exactly what theatre needs to be right now!”
(Bella Hall, audience member)